Does your family have the same opinions as your social circle?
Quite similar, in fact—at least where they care to do so! I do listen for perspective, but I still can’t put society’s revealed opinion into span of those who I know better!
Getting to know your neighbors is another way to expose yourself to people who often think differently.
A good idea! I’ll have to take it a bit more general, because I’m an university student with dormitory and already know many people around; though, eating at some local cafe with diverse customers should work.
Being an Uber driver would be too taxing on my time, but I’m sure there is another idea instantiation which would work!
(And while we’re in an Open Thread, I’d like to thank LessWrong for featuring that one can make informed decisions on pretty much any topic! I’ve chosen uni aligned with me and I’m not disappointed with it so far.)
Does your family have the same opinions as your social circle? If not family events can be good place to learn why people hold different beliefs.
Getting to know your neighbors is another way to expose yourself to people who often think differently.
As far as professions go being an Uber driver might get you into a lot of conversations with diverse passengers.
Quite similar, in fact—at least where they care to do so! I do listen for perspective, but I still can’t put society’s revealed opinion into span of those who I know better!
A good idea! I’ll have to take it a bit more general, because I’m an university student with dormitory and already know many people around; though, eating at some local cafe with diverse customers should work.
Being an Uber driver would be too taxing on my time, but I’m sure there is another idea instantiation which would work!
(And while we’re in an Open Thread, I’d like to thank LessWrong for featuring that one can make informed decisions on pretty much any topic! I’ve chosen uni aligned with me and I’m not disappointed with it so far.)