10 years of christianity, I was a member of a lot of churches always searching for the one that would bring me closer to the truth. Then I realized that most churches where just the blind leading the blind and finally that christianity itself was flawed, that’s when I found freedom.
What made it easier for me is that I never was really deeply invested into it because from the very beginnings I always had doubts and never stopped asking questions. That’s what helped me find the truth after all.
Now to your situation. Keep in mind that there is very little information for us to give any meaningful advice, ideally you would have to talk this over in person or over the phone/skype.
Let me point to some contradictions in your writings: you mention a genuinely wonderful family and a special man. If this is really true you shouldn’t have a problem just being honest with them and talking it through. “Folks, I realized that I was wrong in my faith.” Since you seem to be unable to do that I conclude that the people you mention are not that wonderful. After all those years you are now realizing that what you consider genuine persons are in fact quite a bunch of hypocrites.
You should ask yourself what is more important to you: truth or your social connections. Isn’t it funny that christians always preach that we should be willing to die for our faith and yet when it comes to actually live by those words suddenly they become all insecure?
You mention a business that rests on your faith, my experience from those years in church was that people who make a living from faith are generally not to be trusted. How do you feel about all the persons you made money off, now that you realize that christianity is fake? Don’t you feel that they deserve to be told the truth?
Do you really love your daughters? Well, why not tell them the truth?
I know it’s not easy, but christianity was never supposed to be easy either, so I wonder what kind of christianity where you living in the first place?
I think you will have to decide if you want to be one more of the hypocrites in church or be truthful.
Btw, a good place to look for advice would be with cult survivors, because in fact christianity is a cult.
Sorry if my words sound harsh but after all those years in church, all those lies and hypocrisy I can’t be totally neutral anymore.
My experience:
10 years of christianity, I was a member of a lot of churches always searching for the one that would bring me closer to the truth. Then I realized that most churches where just the blind leading the blind and finally that christianity itself was flawed, that’s when I found freedom.
What made it easier for me is that I never was really deeply invested into it because from the very beginnings I always had doubts and never stopped asking questions. That’s what helped me find the truth after all.
Now to your situation. Keep in mind that there is very little information for us to give any meaningful advice, ideally you would have to talk this over in person or over the phone/skype.
Let me point to some contradictions in your writings: you mention a genuinely wonderful family and a special man. If this is really true you shouldn’t have a problem just being honest with them and talking it through. “Folks, I realized that I was wrong in my faith.” Since you seem to be unable to do that I conclude that the people you mention are not that wonderful. After all those years you are now realizing that what you consider genuine persons are in fact quite a bunch of hypocrites.
You should ask yourself what is more important to you: truth or your social connections. Isn’t it funny that christians always preach that we should be willing to die for our faith and yet when it comes to actually live by those words suddenly they become all insecure?
You mention a business that rests on your faith, my experience from those years in church was that people who make a living from faith are generally not to be trusted. How do you feel about all the persons you made money off, now that you realize that christianity is fake? Don’t you feel that they deserve to be told the truth?
Do you really love your daughters? Well, why not tell them the truth?
I know it’s not easy, but christianity was never supposed to be easy either, so I wonder what kind of christianity where you living in the first place?
I think you will have to decide if you want to be one more of the hypocrites in church or be truthful.
Btw, a good place to look for advice would be with cult survivors, because in fact christianity is a cult.
Sorry if my words sound harsh but after all those years in church, all those lies and hypocrisy I can’t be totally neutral anymore.