I decided to delete the text of my first comment, as it dealt with what sex by rationalists would look like, rather than erotica fantasising rational decision making; the first is available upon request.
Minerva couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this nervous. She’d redone her hair knot at least twice now, and she still couldn’t tear herself away from the mirror. Half of her wanted to be convinced it was out of respect for the man. That half was a dirty liar. Almost as dirty as her thoughts of the last hour.
A knock came at the door.
“Enter, please.”
The way he derived partial transfiguration by extrapolating observable reality to its logical conclusions was just so sexy.
The first one was just a joke about a ship nobody would ever seriously do. It was also the only one where Harry had any part in it.
The second one was pretty much just for humor, but it did make sense in context: Avpubynf Synzry jnf bevtvanyyl n snxr vqragvgl sbe fbzrbar gbb ybj pynff gb or n erfcrpgrq nypurzvfg. Ur riraghnyyl znqr gur cuvybfbcure’f fgbar nf n ubnk, naq cnffrq ba gur znagry. Gur pheerag Avpubynf Synzry vf Uneel Cbggre. ZpTbantnyy jnf jryy njner gung vg jbhyq or n znl qrprzore ebznapr, ohg fur gubhtug fur jnf gur lbhat bar.
I think it is generally good practice to advertise what story is being spoiled by the rot13ed text. If people are unsure over what the spoilers are for, they may be stuck in a state of eternal uncertainty over whether or not it is safe to read the rot13ed text.
For reference, in this case it’s a spoiler for abawba’f “Jurer va gur Jbeyq vf Uneel Cbggre?” gevybtl. (I rot13ed that, in case someone doesn’t want to be spoiled even that tiniest of tiny bits on the story. (And let me tell you, the spoiled part not a major part of that story whatsoever) But the jokes on them: they can never read the rot13ed text, even if what is inside is not a spoiler for them, as they have no way of knowing whether or not it is.)
I decided to delete the text of my first comment, as it dealt with what sex by rationalists would look like, rather than erotica fantasising rational decision making; the first is available upon request.
You know, this is the third time I’ve seen Harry shipped with McGonagall.
Eliezer once threatened to ship Draco with McGonagall. I don’t remember the context, though.
Never seriously, I hope. I have yet to stop laughing.
The first one was just a joke about a ship nobody would ever seriously do. It was also the only one where Harry had any part in it.
The second one was pretty much just for humor, but it did make sense in context: Avpubynf Synzry jnf bevtvanyyl n snxr vqragvgl sbe fbzrbar gbb ybj pynff gb or n erfcrpgrq nypurzvfg. Ur riraghnyyl znqr gur cuvybfbcure’f fgbar nf n ubnk, naq cnffrq ba gur znagry. Gur pheerag Avpubynf Synzry vf Uneel Cbggre. ZpTbantnyy jnf jryy njner gung vg jbhyq or n znl qrprzore ebznapr, ohg fur gubhtug fur jnf gur lbhat bar.
I think it is generally good practice to advertise what story is being spoiled by the rot13ed text. If people are unsure over what the spoilers are for, they may be stuck in a state of eternal uncertainty over whether or not it is safe to read the rot13ed text.
For reference, in this case it’s a spoiler for abawba’f “Jurer va gur Jbeyq vf Uneel Cbggre?” gevybtl. (I rot13ed that, in case someone doesn’t want to be spoiled even that tiniest of tiny bits on the story. (And let me tell you, the spoiled part not a major part of that story whatsoever) But the jokes on them: they can never read the rot13ed text, even if what is inside is not a spoiler for them, as they have no way of knowing whether or not it is.)
I would have, but I couldn’t remember what story it was.
Yeah, but it might still be more fun to find out the context by reading the context, instead of just a summary for it.
Also, I couldn’t remember exactly how much of a spoiler it was.