I completed a PhD on est, Lifespring and Landmark (Stress-induced hypomania in healthy participants: the allostatic manic defence hypothesis). I would encourage any person considering participating to read the elements relating to indoctrination and these trainings. You’ve highlighted a few elements (no, you’re not being silly thinking the excessive use of the word ‘enrol’ might be strategic) but there’s a lot more to it.
Thanks for posting that. I couldn’t stop reading your thesis yesterday (I admit I did skim a lot of the details).
BTW, there there is a much more recent post on Landmark, from someone who actually did their course, rather than just going to their introductory meeting.
I completed a PhD on est, Lifespring and Landmark (Stress-induced hypomania in healthy participants: the allostatic manic defence hypothesis). I would encourage any person considering participating to read the elements relating to indoctrination and these trainings. You’ve highlighted a few elements (no, you’re not being silly thinking the excessive use of the word ‘enrol’ might be strategic) but there’s a lot more to it.
Thanks for posting that. I couldn’t stop reading your thesis yesterday (I admit I did skim a lot of the details).
BTW, there there is a much more recent post on Landmark, from someone who actually did their course, rather than just going to their introductory meeting.
Abstract and pdf. Wow, 500 pages!