Finally, this dire warning: Concretely imagining worlds much better than your present-day real life, may suck out your soul like an emotional vacuum cleaner. (See Seduced by Imagination.) Fun Theory is dangerous, use it with caution, you have been warned.
An obvious application of Fun Theory is its use in designing virtual worlds that suck out other people’s souls for fun and profit! Then donating that to optimal charity to make up for disutility. Enslave the irrational for the greater good!
“On the surface of the problem, television is responsible for our rate of its consumption only in that it’s become so terribly successful at its acknowledged job of ensuring prodigious amounts of watching. Its social accountability seems sort of like that of designers of military weapons: unculpable right up until they get a little too good at their job.”
An obvious application of Fun Theory is its use in designing virtual worlds that suck out other people’s souls for fun and profit! Then donating that to optimal charity to make up for disutility. Enslave the irrational for the greater good!
How do you manage to make being a good author or game designer interested in philanthropy sound so … evil?
--David Foster Wallace, “E unibus pluram”