No suicide note has surfaced, PGP-signed or otherwise. No public statements that I’ve been able to find have identified witnesses or method.
Some of this information has been released since the posting of the parent, but because the tone of the post feels like it was jumping a gun or two, I wanted to throw this out there:
There are good reasons why the media might not want to go into detail on these things, especially when the person in question was young, famous and popular. The relatively recent Bridgend suicide spiral was (is?) a prime example of such neglected media ethics, but the effect itself is nothing new.
Also: some things are always bound to get out via the social grapevine, but the lack of detailed official statements within a day or two is hardly even weak evidence for anything. I’ll bet the “possibility that this was not a natural event” also occurred to the police, and immediately publishing relevant details of what might have become a criminal investigation just seems plain dumb.
Some of this information has been released since the posting of the parent, but because the tone of the post feels like it was jumping a gun or two, I wanted to throw this out there:
There are good reasons why the media might not want to go into detail on these things, especially when the person in question was young, famous and popular. The relatively recent Bridgend suicide spiral was (is?) a prime example of such neglected media ethics, but the effect itself is nothing new.
Also: some things are always bound to get out via the social grapevine, but the lack of detailed official statements within a day or two is hardly even weak evidence for anything. I’ll bet the “possibility that this was not a natural event” also occurred to the police, and immediately publishing relevant details of what might have become a criminal investigation just seems plain dumb.