The Malfoy’s have a whole bunch of snakes. I think there’s a word for a place you keep a bunch of snakes, like an ofidarium or something.
Also, they know that Voldemort was a Parseltongue. Lucius would at least be aware of these spies. I think he would, anyway… do we know that the Death Eaters know that Voldemort was a Parsletonue in this fic?
Also, what kind of snake is Quirrell’s animagus form? Should we have compared descriptions?
The Malfoy’s have a whole bunch of snakes. I think there’s a word for a place you keep a bunch of snakes, like an ofidarium or something.
Not sure if joking.
Before Draco, on the floor, was the shining form of a snake that Draco recognized; a Blue Krait, a snake first brought to their manor by Lord Abraxas Malfoy after a visit to some faraway land, and Father had kept a Blue Krait in the ophidiarium ever since.
Oh, crap. Malfoy’s blue krait is Voldemort’s spy in the Malfoy home.
The Malfoy’s have a whole bunch of snakes. I think there’s a word for a place you keep a bunch of snakes, like an ofidarium or something.
Also, they know that Voldemort was a Parseltongue. Lucius would at least be aware of these spies. I think he would, anyway… do we know that the Death Eaters know that Voldemort was a Parsletonue in this fic?
Also, what kind of snake is Quirrell’s animagus form? Should we have compared descriptions?
Not sure if joking.
That is exactly the passage I didn’t find.