Well, the real reason why it is useful in arithmetic to accept
that 2+2=4 is that this is part of a deeper relation in the
arithmetic field regarding relations between the three basic
arithmetic operations: addition, multiplication, and exponentiation.
Thus, 2 is the solution to the following question: what is x such
that x plus x equals x times x equals x to the x power? And, of
course, all of these operations equal 4.
Well, the real reason why it is useful in arithmetic to accept that 2+2=4 is that this is part of a deeper relation in the arithmetic field regarding relations between the three basic arithmetic operations: addition, multiplication, and exponentiation. Thus, 2 is the solution to the following question: what is x such that x plus x equals x times x equals x to the x power? And, of course, all of these operations equal 4.