There are two ways to try and solve the maze: find a path (search, prime &babble) or find constraints by finding walls.
If I need to go from the left to the right In a maze then highlighting continuous vertical stretches of wall from top to bottom will yield bottlenecks while horizontal highlighting along paths yield isthmuses.
Both techniques can be used together
I dig the word isthmus and I like your linked comment about it being somehow dual to a bottleneck (i.e. constraint).
It seems quite related to Wentworth’s mazes. I.e. see the picture
There are two ways to try and solve the maze: find a path (search, prime &babble) or find constraints by finding walls.
If I need to go from the left to the right In a maze then highlighting continuous vertical stretches of wall from top to bottom will yield bottlenecks while horizontal highlighting along paths yield isthmuses. Both techniques can be used together
Quite cool imho
owo thanks