In some sense I think General Intelligence may contain Rationality. We’re just playing definition games here, but I think my definitions match the general LW/Rationality Community usage.
A an agent which perfectly plays a solved game ( ) is perfectly rational. But its intelligence is limited, because it can only accept a limited type of inputs, the states of a tic-tac-toe board, for instance.
We can certainly point to people who are extremely intelligent but quite irrational in some respects—but if you increased their rationality without making any other changes I think we would also say that they became more intelligent. If you examine their actions, you should expect to see that they are acting rationally in most areas, but have some spheres where rationality fails them.
This is because, in my definition at least:
Intelligence = Rationality + Other Stuff
So rationality is one component of a larger concept of Intelligence.
General Intelligence is the ability of an agent to take inputs from the world, compare it to a preferred state of the world (goals), and take actions that make that state of the world more likely to occur.
Rationality is how accurate and precise that agent is, relative to its goals and resources.
General Intelligence includes this, but also has concerns such as
being able to accept a wide variety of inputs
having lots of processing power
using that processing power efficiently
I don’t know if this covers it 100%, but this seems like it matches general usage to me.
In some sense I think General Intelligence may contain Rationality. We’re just playing definition games here, but I think my definitions match the general LW/Rationality Community usage.
A an agent which perfectly plays a solved game ( ) is perfectly rational. But its intelligence is limited, because it can only accept a limited type of inputs, the states of a tic-tac-toe board, for instance.
We can certainly point to people who are extremely intelligent but quite irrational in some respects—but if you increased their rationality without making any other changes I think we would also say that they became more intelligent. If you examine their actions, you should expect to see that they are acting rationally in most areas, but have some spheres where rationality fails them.
This is because, in my definition at least:
Intelligence = Rationality + Other Stuff
So rationality is one component of a larger concept of Intelligence.
General Intelligence is the ability of an agent to take inputs from the world, compare it to a preferred state of the world (goals), and take actions that make that state of the world more likely to occur.
Rationality is how accurate and precise that agent is, relative to its goals and resources.
General Intelligence includes this, but also has concerns such as
being able to accept a wide variety of inputs
having lots of processing power
using that processing power efficiently
I don’t know if this covers it 100%, but this seems like it matches general usage to me.