As soon as the first upload is successful then patient zero will realize he’s got unimaginable (brain)power, will start talking in ALL CAPS, and go FOOM on the world, bad end.
Now, I have to admit I’m not too familiar with the local discourse re:uploading, but if a functional upload requires emulation down to individual ion channels (PSICS-level) and the chemical environment, I find it hard to believe we’ll have the computer power to do that, a million times faster, and in a volume of space small enough that we don’t have to put it under a constant waterfall of liquid Helium.
I don’t expect femtotechnology or rod logic any time soon, the former may not even be possible at all and the latter is based on some dubious math from Nanosystems; so where does that leave us in terms of computing power? (Assuming, of course, that Clarke’s law is a wish-fulfilling fantasy). I understand the reach of Bremermann’s Limit, but it may not be possible to reach it, or there may be areas in between zero and the Limit that are unreachable for lack of a physical substrate for them.
Now, I have to admit I’m not too familiar with the local discourse re:uploading, but if a functional upload requires emulation down to individual ion channels (PSICS-level) and the chemical environment, I find it hard to believe we’ll have the computer power to do that, a million times faster, and in a volume of space small enough that we don’t have to put it under a constant waterfall of liquid Helium.
I don’t expect femtotechnology or rod logic any time soon, the former may not even be possible at all and the latter is based on some dubious math from Nanosystems; so where does that leave us in terms of computing power? (Assuming, of course, that Clarke’s law is a wish-fulfilling fantasy). I understand the reach of Bremermann’s Limit, but it may not be possible to reach it, or there may be areas in between zero and the Limit that are unreachable for lack of a physical substrate for them.