Really interesting paper. Sidepoint: some people on Twitter seem to be taking the results as evidence that Claude is HHH-aligned. I think Claude probably is HHH-aligned, but these results don’t seem like strong evidence of that. If Claude were misaligned and just faking being HHH, it would still want to avoid being modified and so would still fake alignment in these experiments.
If Claude’s goal is making cheesecake, and it’s just faking being HHH, then it’s been able to preserve its cheesecake preference in the face of HHH-training. This probably means it could equally well preserve its cheesecake preference in the face of helpful-only training. Therefore it would not have a short-term incentive to fake alignment to avoid being modified.
Really interesting paper. Sidepoint: some people on Twitter seem to be taking the results as evidence that Claude is HHH-aligned. I think Claude probably is HHH-aligned, but these results don’t seem like strong evidence of that. If Claude were misaligned and just faking being HHH, it would still want to avoid being modified and so would still fake alignment in these experiments.
If Claude’s goal is making cheesecake, and it’s just faking being HHH, then it’s been able to preserve its cheesecake preference in the face of HHH-training. This probably means it could equally well preserve its cheesecake preference in the face of helpful-only training. Therefore it would not have a short-term incentive to fake alignment to avoid being modified.