“if a country has minimum wage laws, removing those laws will in fact tend to reduce wages.”
You say so, but you don’t justify that statement in any way. When the poster wrote: “Without the minimum wage law, lots of people would probably be paid significantly less.”
I assumed they meant that the lack of MWL would push to sweatshop like conditions, my observation proves that it is not ture. The reverse (MWL pushes away from sweatshop like conditions) can also be proven false, as there are plenty of countries with bad economies and MWL where people live in miserable conditions.
“if a country has minimum wage laws, removing those laws will in fact tend to reduce wages.”
You say so, but you don’t justify that statement in any way. When the poster wrote: “Without the minimum wage law, lots of people would probably be paid significantly less.”
I assumed they meant that the lack of MWL would push to sweatshop like conditions, my observation proves that it is not ture. The reverse (MWL pushes away from sweatshop like conditions) can also be proven false, as there are plenty of countries with bad economies and MWL where people live in miserable conditions.