Thanks! Yeah, IIUC (...and I don’t...) I’m attending a lot to the distributive aspect of labor relations (hence talking about bargaining), maybe I’ll read Rawls. And I’m interested in the equilibria that come from different ways of dealing with distributive justice.
If you’ve not read Hirshmann’s Exit, Voice and Loyalty I would add that to list of reading.
Perhaps another contextual box to put the question into might also be some of the theory of the firm literature—particularly for the large corporations to what extent are they as much market internally as external market participants. Not sure if there would be anything to glean from the internal transfer pricing literature but to the extent wages can be modeled as other prices some light might be present.
Thanks! Yeah, IIUC (...and I don’t...) I’m attending a lot to the distributive aspect of labor relations (hence talking about bargaining), maybe I’ll read Rawls. And I’m interested in the equilibria that come from different ways of dealing with distributive justice.
If you’ve not read Hirshmann’s Exit, Voice and Loyalty I would add that to list of reading.
Perhaps another contextual box to put the question into might also be some of the theory of the firm literature—particularly for the large corporations to what extent are they as much market internally as external market participants. Not sure if there would be anything to glean from the internal transfer pricing literature but to the extent wages can be modeled as other prices some light might be present.
Great, thank you!