Hello LessWrong! I’m duck_master. I’ve lurked around this website since roughly the start of the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic but I have never really been super active as of yet (in fact I wrote my first ever post last month). I’ve been around on the AstralCodexTen comment section and on Discord, though, among a half-dozen other websites and platforms. Here’s my personal website (note: rarely updated) for your perusal.
I am a lifelong mathematics enthusiast and a current MIT student. (I’m majoring in mathematics and computer science; I added the latter part out of peer pressure since computer science is really taking off in these days.) I am particularly interested in axiomatic mathematics, formal theorem provers, and the P vs NP problem, though I typically won’t complain about anything mathematical as long as the relevant abstraction tower isn’t too high (and I could potentially pivot to applied math in the future).
During the height of the pandemic in mid-2020, I initially “converted” to rationalism (previously I had been a Christian), but never really followed through and I actually became more irrational over the course of 2021 and 2022 (and not even in a metarational way, but purely in a my-life-is-getting-worse way). This year, I am hoping that I can connect with the rationalist and postrat communities more and be more systematic about my rationality practice.
Hello LessWrong! I’m duck_master. I’ve lurked around this website since roughly the start of the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic but I have never really been super active as of yet (in fact I wrote my first ever post last month). I’ve been around on the AstralCodexTen comment section and on Discord, though, among a half-dozen other websites and platforms. Here’s my personal website (note: rarely updated) for your perusal.
I am a lifelong mathematics enthusiast and a current MIT student. (I’m majoring in mathematics and computer science; I added the latter part out of peer pressure since computer science is really taking off in these days.) I am particularly interested in axiomatic mathematics, formal theorem provers, and the P vs NP problem, though I typically won’t complain about anything mathematical as long as the relevant abstraction tower isn’t too high (and I could potentially pivot to applied math in the future).
During the height of the pandemic in mid-2020, I initially “converted” to rationalism (previously I had been a Christian), but never really followed through and I actually became more irrational over the course of 2021 and 2022 (and not even in a metarational way, but purely in a my-life-is-getting-worse way). This year, I am hoping that I can connect with the rationalist and postrat communities more and be more systematic about my rationality practice.