I could send you some of my anki cards, but I don’t know that you’ll get useful structural information out of them. They tend to be pretty random bits that I think I’ll want to know or phrases I want to build associations between. For most things, I take actual notes (I find that writing things down helps me remember the shape of the idea better, even if I never look at them), and only make flashcards for the highest value ideas.
It took me several months of starting and quitting anki to start to get the hang of it, and I’m still learning how to better structure cards to be easier to remember and transmit useful information.
I found this blog post and the two it links to at the top to be useful descriptions of an approach to learning, which incorporates anki among other things
I could send you some of my anki cards, but I don’t know that you’ll get useful structural information out of them. They tend to be pretty random bits that I think I’ll want to know or phrases I want to build associations between. For most things, I take actual notes (I find that writing things down helps me remember the shape of the idea better, even if I never look at them), and only make flashcards for the highest value ideas.
It took me several months of starting and quitting anki to start to get the hang of it, and I’m still learning how to better structure cards to be easier to remember and transmit useful information.
I found this blog post and the two it links to at the top to be useful descriptions of an approach to learning, which incorporates anki among other things