This is the most I’ve read on this Zombieism concept, and now I can see it may not be the first thing I read about it. There is a fantasy series called Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy. In one of it’s many side plots, two characters become zombies and even eventually get their brains fully replaced by genetically modified plant matter. They retain their consciousness and their personalities the entire time. They also continued functioning without a hitch after their Zombie Master died (the term was used in the books).
So I suppose the author would agree with this principle, and I find myself inclined to as well. It just makes so much sense, although I personally feel Eliezer could have been a bit more concise.
I will take this opportunity to recommend the series to all rationalists. It’s the most rational piece of fiction I’ve read aside from HPMoR.
This is the most I’ve read on this Zombieism concept, and now I can see it may not be the first thing I read about it. There is a fantasy series called Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy. In one of it’s many side plots, two characters become zombies and even eventually get their brains fully replaced by genetically modified plant matter. They retain their consciousness and their personalities the entire time. They also continued functioning without a hitch after their Zombie Master died (the term was used in the books).
So I suppose the author would agree with this principle, and I find myself inclined to as well. It just makes so much sense, although I personally feel Eliezer could have been a bit more concise.
I will take this opportunity to recommend the series to all rationalists. It’s the most rational piece of fiction I’ve read aside from HPMoR.