Thanks to whoever upvoted my comment recently bringing it again to my attention via notification system—rereading my comment after 2 years, I feel really sorry for myself that despite writing the sentence
And your post made me realize, that the technique from the book you describe is somewhat like this, if you look through “subagents model of the brain” perspective: there is a part of you which is having emotional crisis, and it’s terrified by some problem it needs to solve, but this part is not ready to listen for solution/change, as long as it’s in the busy loop waiting for an ACK packet confirming someone got the S.O.S. signal.
I did not really understand what it means and how to implement it and how huge impact on my life it will have once finally executed. Only recently I took part in a Lowen’s therapy, in which by performing some body movements typical for aggression I’ve finally established connection between the part which was angry and the part which could listen about it.
Thanks to whoever upvoted my comment recently bringing it again to my attention via notification system—rereading my comment after 2 years, I feel really sorry for myself that despite writing the sentence
I did not really understand what it means and how to implement it and how huge impact on my life it will have once finally executed. Only recently I took part in a Lowen’s therapy, in which by performing some body movements typical for aggression I’ve finally established connection between the part which was angry and the part which could listen about it.