Ramble dot points of thoughts I had around this.
I like this idea
When I listen to very high power or smart people debate, what I’m looking for is to absorb their knowledge.
Tacit and semantic.
Instead, as the debate heats up, I feel myself being draw into one of the sides.
I spend more time thinking about my bias than the points being made.
I’m not sure what I’m picking up from heated debate is as valuable as it could be.
If the interlocutors are not already close friends, perhaps having them complete a quick bonding exercise to gain trust?
I image playing on the same team in a video game or solving a physical problem together.
Really let them settle into a vibe of being friends. Let them understand what it feels like to work with this new person toward a common goal.
Current theme: default
Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
Ramble dot points of thoughts I had around this.
I like this idea
When I listen to very high power or smart people debate, what I’m looking for is to absorb their knowledge.
Tacit and semantic.
Instead, as the debate heats up, I feel myself being draw into one of the sides.
I spend more time thinking about my bias than the points being made.
I’m not sure what I’m picking up from heated debate is as valuable as it could be.
If the interlocutors are not already close friends, perhaps having them complete a quick bonding exercise to gain trust?
I image playing on the same team in a video game or solving a physical problem together.
Really let them settle into a vibe of being friends. Let them understand what it feels like to work with this new person toward a common goal.