Why do you reject self-indication? As far as I can recall the only argument Bostrom gave against it was that he found it unintuitive that universes with many observers should be more likely, with absolutely no justification as to why one would expect that intuition to reflect reality. That’s a very poor argument considering the severe problems you get without it.
I suppose you might be worried about universes with many unmangled worlds being made more likely, but I don’t see what makes that bullet so hard to bite either.
Why do you reject self-indication? As far as I can recall the only argument Bostrom gave against it was that he found it unintuitive that universes with many observers should be more likely, with absolutely no justification as to why one would expect that intuition to reflect reality. That’s a very poor argument considering the severe problems you get without it.
I suppose you might be worried about universes with many unmangled worlds being made more likely, but I don’t see what makes that bullet so hard to bite either.