So they think SI actually is revealing the territory. In saying that it is only concerned with the map, you are going back to the relatively modest, mainstream view of SI.
The point of my post is to claim that this view is wrong. The hypotheses in Solomonoff Induction are best thought of as maps, which is a framing that usually isn’t considered (was I the first? 🤔).
If you know of arguments about why considering them to be territories is better, feel free to share them (or links)! (I need a more precise citation than “rationalists” if I’m going to look it up, lol.)
The point of my post is to claim that this view is wrong. The hypotheses in Solomonoff Induction are best thought of as maps, which is a framing that usually isn’t considered (was I the first? 🤔).
If you know of arguments about why considering them to be territories is better, feel free to share them (or links)! (I need a more precise citation than “rationalists” if I’m going to look it up, lol.)
I don’t take the view that SI-is-about-the-territory is better … it’s more that what you are saying is locally novel but not globally novel.