“Good” and “Evil” are the names for what people perceive with their moral sense. I think we’ve agreed that this perception correlates to something universally observable (namely, social survival), so these labels are firmly anchored in the physical world. It looks to me like you’re trying to assign these names to something else altogether (namely, something which does not correlate with human moral intuitions), and it’s not clear to me how this makes sense.
I don’t understand your counterfactual.
“Good” and “Evil” are the names for what people perceive with their moral sense. I think we’ve agreed that this perception correlates to something universally observable (namely, social survival), so these labels are firmly anchored in the physical world. It looks to me like you’re trying to assign these names to something else altogether (namely, something which does not correlate with human moral intuitions), and it’s not clear to me how this makes sense.