The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) language that web pages use for styling HTML is a pretty representative example of surprising Turing Completeness:
Haha. Perhaps higher entities somewhere in the multiverse are emulating human-like agents on ever more exotic and restrictive computing substrates, the way humans do with Doom and Mario Kart.
(Front page of 5-D aliens’ version of Hacker News: “I got a reflective / self-aware / qualia-experiencing consciousness running on a recycled first-gen smart toaster”.)
Semi-related to the idea of substrate ultimately not mattering too much (and very amusing if you’ve never seen it): They’re Made out of Meat
Haha. Perhaps higher entities somewhere in the multiverse are emulating human-like agents on ever more exotic and restrictive computing substrates, the way humans do with Doom and Mario Kart.
(Front page of 5-D aliens’ version of Hacker News: “I got a reflective / self-aware / qualia-experiencing consciousness running on a recycled first-gen smart toaster”.)
Semi-related to the idea of substrate ultimately not mattering too much (and very amusing if you’ve never seen it): They’re Made out of Meat