I’m having trouble with formatting. Here is what I was trying to write, less my attempts to include links:
Greetings, LessWrong.
I’m a 21 y/o Physics undergrad at the University of Waterloo. I’m currently finishing a coop work-term at the Grand River Regional Cancer Centre. I’m also trying to build a satellite www.WatSat.ca.
My girlfriend recommended that I read HPMoR—which I find delightful—but I thought LessWrong a strange penname. I followed the links back here, and spent a month or so skimming the site. I’m happy to find a place on the internet where people are happy to provide constructive criticism in support of self-optimization. I’m also particularly intrigued by this Bayesian Conspiracy you guys have going.
It sounds like it’s an unfamiliar system to you so it’s no problem. There should be a little help link to the bottom right of the comment box, and there is a more extensive article on the wiki.
I’m having trouble with formatting. Here is what I was trying to write, less my attempts to include links:
Greetings, LessWrong.
I’m a 21 y/o Physics undergrad at the University of Waterloo. I’m currently finishing a coop work-term at the Grand River Regional Cancer Centre. I’m also trying to build a satellite www.WatSat.ca.
My girlfriend recommended that I read HPMoR—which I find delightful—but I thought LessWrong a strange penname. I followed the links back here, and spent a month or so skimming the site. I’m happy to find a place on the internet where people are happy to provide constructive criticism in support of self-optimization. I’m also particularly intrigued by this Bayesian Conspiracy you guys have going.
I tend to lurk on sites like this, rather than actually joining the community. However, I discovered a call for a meetup in Waterloo http://lesswrong.com/r/discussion/lw/790/are_there_any_lesswrongers_in_the_waterloo/, and I couldn’t help myself.
It sounds like it’s an unfamiliar system to you so it’s no problem. There should be a little help link to the bottom right of the comment box, and there is a more extensive article on the wiki.