Hi, I’m Alan, a student in my final year of secondary school in London, England. For some reason I’m finding it hard to remember how and when I stumbled upon Less Wrong. It was probably in March or April this year, and I think it was because Julia Galef mentioned it at some point, thought I may be misremembering.
Anyway, I’ve now read large chunks of the Sequences (though I can never remember which bits exactly) and HPMOR, and enjoy reading all the discussion that goes on here. I’ve never registered as a user before as I’ve never felt the burning need to comment on anything, but thought I should take the survey as I seemed part of its intended audience, so maybe I’ll find things to say now.
I only study maths and science subjects in school, and am planning to study for a science degree when I head off to University next year. However, I tend to hang out more with the philosophically inclined people in school, and have had much fun introducing and debating Newcomb, prisoners’ dillemas, torture vs dust specks, transhumanism and the like with them.
LessWrong is definitely one of those things I regret not finding out about earlier. It’s my favourite website now, although I should probably stop using it as a place to procrastinate so much.
Hi, I’m Alan, a student in my final year of secondary school in London, England. For some reason I’m finding it hard to remember how and when I stumbled upon Less Wrong. It was probably in March or April this year, and I think it was because Julia Galef mentioned it at some point, thought I may be misremembering.
Anyway, I’ve now read large chunks of the Sequences (though I can never remember which bits exactly) and HPMOR, and enjoy reading all the discussion that goes on here. I’ve never registered as a user before as I’ve never felt the burning need to comment on anything, but thought I should take the survey as I seemed part of its intended audience, so maybe I’ll find things to say now.
I only study maths and science subjects in school, and am planning to study for a science degree when I head off to University next year. However, I tend to hang out more with the philosophically inclined people in school, and have had much fun introducing and debating Newcomb, prisoners’ dillemas, torture vs dust specks, transhumanism and the like with them.
LessWrong is definitely one of those things I regret not finding out about earlier. It’s my favourite website now, although I should probably stop using it as a place to procrastinate so much.