On green as according to black, I think there’s an additional facet perhaps even more important than just the acknowledgment that sometimes we are too weak to succeed and so should conserve energy. Black being strongly self-interested will tend to cast aside virtues like generosity, honesty and non-harm except as means in social games they are playing to achieve other ends for themselves. But self-interest tends to include desire for reduction of self-suffering. Green + white* (as I’m realizing this may be more a color combo than purely green) are more inclined to discover, e.g. through meditation/mindfulness, that aggression, deceit and other non-virtues actually produce self-suffering in the mind as a byproduct. So black is capable of embracing virtue as part of a more complete pursuit of self-interest.**
It may be that one of the most impactful things that green + white can do is get black to realize this fact, since black will tend to be powerful and successful in the world at promoting whatever it understands to be its self interest.
I haven’t read your post on attunement yet, maybe you touch on this or related ideas there.
*You could argue this also includes blue and so should be green + white + blue, since it largely deals with knowledge of self.
**I believe this fact of non-virtue inflicting self-suffering is true for most human minds. However, there may be cases where a person has some sort of psychological disorder that makes them effectively lack a conscience where it wouldn’t hold.
Really fascinating post, thanks.
On green as according to black, I think there’s an additional facet perhaps even more important than just the acknowledgment that sometimes we are too weak to succeed and so should conserve energy. Black being strongly self-interested will tend to cast aside virtues like generosity, honesty and non-harm except as means in social games they are playing to achieve other ends for themselves. But self-interest tends to include desire for reduction of self-suffering. Green + white* (as I’m realizing this may be more a color combo than purely green) are more inclined to discover, e.g. through meditation/mindfulness, that aggression, deceit and other non-virtues actually produce self-suffering in the mind as a byproduct. So black is capable of embracing virtue as part of a more complete pursuit of self-interest.**
It may be that one of the most impactful things that green + white can do is get black to realize this fact, since black will tend to be powerful and successful in the world at promoting whatever it understands to be its self interest.
I haven’t read your post on attunement yet, maybe you touch on this or related ideas there.
*You could argue this also includes blue and so should be green + white + blue, since it largely deals with knowledge of self.
**I believe this fact of non-virtue inflicting self-suffering is true for most human minds. However, there may be cases where a person has some sort of psychological disorder that makes them effectively lack a conscience where it wouldn’t hold.