Eugine, in answer to your question: yes. If we are committed to the well-being of all sentience in our forward light-cone, then we can’t simultaneously conserve predators in their existing guise.
Humans are not obligate carnivores; and the in vitro meat revolution may shortly make this debate redundant; but it’s questionable whether posthuman superintelligence committed to the well-being of all sentience could conserve humans in their existing guise either.
Eugine, in answer to your question: yes. If we are committed to the well-being of all sentience in our forward light-cone, then we can’t simultaneously conserve predators in their existing guise. (cf. Humans are not obligate carnivores; and the in vitro meat revolution may shortly make this debate redundant; but it’s questionable whether posthuman superintelligence committed to the well-being of all sentience could conserve humans in their existing guise either.