Ah, so my question was more along the line: does finite axiomatizability of a stronger (consistent) theory imply finite axiomatizability of the weaker theory? (This would of course imply Q + Con(PA) is not stronger than PA, Q being the usual symbol for Robinson arithmetic.)
On the model theoretic side, I think I can make something work, but it depends on distorting the specific definition of Con(PA) in a way that I’m not really happy about. In any case, I agree that your example is trivial to state and trivial to believe correct, but maybe it’s less trivial to prove correct.
Here’s what I was thinking:
Consider the predicate P(x) which says “if x != Sx, then x does not encode a PA-proof of 0=1”, and let ConMinus(PA) say for all x, P(x). Now, I think one could argue that ConMinus is a fair definition of (or substitute for?) Con, in that qualifying a formula with “if x != Sx” does not change its meaning in the standard model. Alternately, you could push this “if x != Sx” clause deeper, into basically every formula you would use to define the primitive recursive functions needed to talk about consistency in the first place, and you would not change the meanings of these formulas in the standard model. (I guess what I’m saying is that “the” formula asserting the consistency of PA is poorly specified.)
Also, PA is smart enough to prove that numbers are not their own successors, so PA believes in the equivalence of Con and ConMinus. In particular, PA does not prove ConMinus(PA), so PA is not stronger than Q + ConMinus(PA).
On the other hand, let M be the non-negative integers, together with one additional point omega. Put S(omega) = omega, put omega + anything = omega = anything + omega, and similarly for multiplication (except 0 * omega = omega * 0 = 0). I am pretty sure this is a model of Q.
Q is smart enough about its standard integers that it knows none of them encode PA-proofs of 0=1 (the “proves” predicate being Delta_0). Thus the model M satisfies Q + ConMinus(PA). But now we can see that Q + ConMinus(PA) is not stronger than PA, because PA proves “for all x, x is not equal to Sx”, yet this statement fails in a model of Q + ConMinus(PA).
Ah, so my question was more along the line: does finite axiomatizability of a stronger (consistent) theory imply finite axiomatizability of the weaker theory?
If I’m not mistaken, NBG and ZFC are a counterexample to this: NBG is a conservative extension of ZFC (and therefore stronger than ZFC), but NBG is finitely axiomatizable while ZFC is not.
Yeah, the details of actually proving this are looking like they contain more subtleties than I expected, but I tentatively agree with your analysis. Here’s what may be another proof,. Not only is PA not finitely axiomatizable, but any consistent extension of PA isn’t (I think this is true, the same proof that works for PA should go through here, but I haven’t checked the details). So PA+ConMinus(PA) still isn’t finitely axiomatizable. So now, pick any of the axioms created in the axiom schema of induction that are needed in PA + ConMinus(PA), Q+ConMinus(PA) also can’t prove any of those (since it is strictly weaker than PA+ConMinus(PA),) but all of those statements are theorems of PA (since they are in fact axioms). Does this work?
Overall, this is requiring a lot more subtlety than I initially thought was involved which may make Qiaochu Yuan’s example a better one.
Not only is PA not finitely axiomatizable, but any consistent extension of PA isn’t (I think this is true, the same proof that works for PA should go through here, but I haven’t checked the details)
Well if we had this, we would know immediately that Q + Con(PA) is not an extension of PA (which is what we originally wanted), because it certainly is finitely axiomatizable. I know there are several proofs that PA is not finitely axiomatizable, but I have not read any of them, so can’t comment on the strengthened statement, though it sounds true.
Ah, so my question was more along the line: does finite axiomatizability of a stronger (consistent) theory imply finite axiomatizability of the weaker theory? (This would of course imply Q + Con(PA) is not stronger than PA, Q being the usual symbol for Robinson arithmetic.)
On the model theoretic side, I think I can make something work, but it depends on distorting the specific definition of Con(PA) in a way that I’m not really happy about. In any case, I agree that your example is trivial to state and trivial to believe correct, but maybe it’s less trivial to prove correct.
Here’s what I was thinking:
Consider the predicate P(x) which says “if x != Sx, then x does not encode a PA-proof of 0=1”, and let ConMinus(PA) say for all x, P(x). Now, I think one could argue that ConMinus is a fair definition of (or substitute for?) Con, in that qualifying a formula with “if x != Sx” does not change its meaning in the standard model. Alternately, you could push this “if x != Sx” clause deeper, into basically every formula you would use to define the primitive recursive functions needed to talk about consistency in the first place, and you would not change the meanings of these formulas in the standard model. (I guess what I’m saying is that “the” formula asserting the consistency of PA is poorly specified.)
Also, PA is smart enough to prove that numbers are not their own successors, so PA believes in the equivalence of Con and ConMinus. In particular, PA does not prove ConMinus(PA), so PA is not stronger than Q + ConMinus(PA).
On the other hand, let M be the non-negative integers, together with one additional point omega. Put S(omega) = omega, put omega + anything = omega = anything + omega, and similarly for multiplication (except 0 * omega = omega * 0 = 0). I am pretty sure this is a model of Q.
Q is smart enough about its standard integers that it knows none of them encode PA-proofs of 0=1 (the “proves” predicate being Delta_0). Thus the model M satisfies Q + ConMinus(PA). But now we can see that Q + ConMinus(PA) is not stronger than PA, because PA proves “for all x, x is not equal to Sx”, yet this statement fails in a model of Q + ConMinus(PA).
EDIT: escape characters for *.
If I’m not mistaken, NBG and ZFC are a counterexample to this: NBG is a conservative extension of ZFC (and therefore stronger than ZFC), but NBG is finitely axiomatizable while ZFC is not.
Yeah, the details of actually proving this are looking like they contain more subtleties than I expected, but I tentatively agree with your analysis. Here’s what may be another proof,. Not only is PA not finitely axiomatizable, but any consistent extension of PA isn’t (I think this is true, the same proof that works for PA should go through here, but I haven’t checked the details). So PA+ConMinus(PA) still isn’t finitely axiomatizable. So now, pick any of the axioms created in the axiom schema of induction that are needed in PA + ConMinus(PA), Q+ConMinus(PA) also can’t prove any of those (since it is strictly weaker than PA+ConMinus(PA),) but all of those statements are theorems of PA (since they are in fact axioms). Does this work?
Overall, this is requiring a lot more subtlety than I initially thought was involved which may make Qiaochu Yuan’s example a better one.
Well if we had this, we would know immediately that Q + Con(PA) is not an extension of PA (which is what we originally wanted), because it certainly is finitely axiomatizable. I know there are several proofs that PA is not finitely axiomatizable, but I have not read any of them, so can’t comment on the strengthened statement, though it sounds true.