On the format: Since you asked for feedback, I found this format a little harder to follow than other LessWrong posts. For me, short paragraphs are great when used sparingly to make a particular point punchier. But an entire post like that feels like someone is talking too quickly and not giving me time to think. (I also don’t read Twitter, so perhaps it’s just not well-suited for me.)
On the content: Robert Kegan’s “Immunity to Change” framework addresses some of this, especially the “shadow values” (which he calls hidden commitments). I learned the framework from this book, which was very helpful for me last year in uncovering some of my own hidden commitments (as well as for a few other reasons): https://www.amazon.com/How-Talk-Change-Work-Transformation-ebook/dp/B003AU4DX2/.
I hadn’t thought of applying this to productivity systems, though. That’s very insightful, and definitely an area where I still experience tension. So I think this will be helpful, thanks!
On the format: Since you asked for feedback, I found this format a little harder to follow than other LessWrong posts. For me, short paragraphs are great when used sparingly to make a particular point punchier. But an entire post like that feels like someone is talking too quickly and not giving me time to think. (I also don’t read Twitter, so perhaps it’s just not well-suited for me.)
On the content: Robert Kegan’s “Immunity to Change” framework addresses some of this, especially the “shadow values” (which he calls hidden commitments). I learned the framework from this book, which was very helpful for me last year in uncovering some of my own hidden commitments (as well as for a few other reasons): https://www.amazon.com/How-Talk-Change-Work-Transformation-ebook/dp/B003AU4DX2/.
I hadn’t thought of applying this to productivity systems, though. That’s very insightful, and definitely an area where I still experience tension. So I think this will be helpful, thanks!
Yeah, I think Immunity to Change is another way to get at this same framework, and definitely recommend it.
I’ll try to combine sentences into longer paragraphs in the next post and see if it helps.