The technical reports do seem to contain at least one strong, surprising prediction:
This [multiway formulation of QM] leads to an immediate, and potentially testable, prediction of our interpretation of quantum mechanics: namely that, following appropriate coarse-graining...the class of problems that can be solved efficiently by quantum computers should be identical to the class of problems that can be solved efficiently by classical computers. More precisely, we predict in this appropriately coarse-grained case that P = BQP...
Of course Wolfram and Gorard are not the only people to say this, but it’s definitely a minority view these days and would be very striking if it were somehow proved.
The technical reports do seem to contain at least one strong, surprising prediction:
Of course Wolfram and Gorard are not the only people to say this, but it’s definitely a minority view these days and would be very striking if it were somehow proved.