If you are creating a branch for an existing issue, use this naming schema: branchTitle[issueNumber]. For example, if addressing this issue, your branch might be defaultSettingsFix425.
The schema “branchTitle[issueNumber]” suggests that the branch title should be “defaultSettingsFix[425]” instead. It would be better to describe it as “[branchTitle][issueNumber]” or “branchTitle + issueNumber”, or just say “append the issue number to the branch name”.
There’s a formatting error in this part of the post:
It should be a code block so that the newline is preserved. That makes it easier to notice that you have to clone two repos:
Also, I found this description confusing:
The schema “branchTitle[issueNumber]” suggests that the branch title should be “defaultSettingsFix[425]” instead. It would be better to describe it as “[branchTitle][issueNumber]” or “branchTitle + issueNumber”, or just say “append the issue number to the branch name”.
Thanks. I’ve added a newline for the first one, and just deleted the entire paragraph about the branch naming because we never really stuck to it.