Chromium does not support @require, @resource, unsafeWindow, GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_setValue, or GM_getValue
GM_xmlhttpRequest is same-origin only
My script uses 4 out of these 6 features, and also cross-domain GM_xmlhttpRequest (the comments are actually loaded from a PHP script hosted elsewhere, because LW doesn’t seem to provide a way to grab 400 comments at once), so it’s going to have to stay Firefox-only for the time being.
Oh, in case anyone developing LW is reading this, I release my script into the public domain, so feel free to incorporate the features into LW itself.
Thanks for coding this!
Currently, the script does not work in Chrome (which supports Greasemonkey out of the box).
My script uses 4 out of these 6 features, and also cross-domain GM_xmlhttpRequest (the comments are actually loaded from a PHP script hosted elsewhere, because LW doesn’t seem to provide a way to grab 400 comments at once), so it’s going to have to stay Firefox-only for the time being.
Oh, in case anyone developing LW is reading this, I release my script into the public domain, so feel free to incorporate the features into LW itself.