In addition to not being able to exchange $100 for a set of contracts, there’d be some awkwardness over determining where to set the starting trade value. Notice in the original article it’s initally $15 to sell and $20 to buy, reflecting the fact that a 6 character mystery implies a base probability of 16.6% for each character. If you naively started a slasher at $15 sell/$20 buy, someone who believes two survivors is likely would immediately bid all characters up to $30 sell/$40 buy.
Though you’re right, most slashers don’t try nearly as hard to surprise you as murder mysteries do. A movie that establishes a romance subplot 10 minutes in would immediately see those two characters bid up to at least $50.
In addition to not being able to exchange $100 for a set of contracts, there’d be some awkwardness over determining where to set the starting trade value. Notice in the original article it’s initally $15 to sell and $20 to buy, reflecting the fact that a 6 character mystery implies a base probability of 16.6% for each character. If you naively started a slasher at $15 sell/$20 buy, someone who believes two survivors is likely would immediately bid all characters up to $30 sell/$40 buy.
Though you’re right, most slashers don’t try nearly as hard to surprise you as murder mysteries do. A movie that establishes a romance subplot 10 minutes in would immediately see those two characters bid up to at least $50.