Cf The Dice Man (a good idea for a mediocre book), in which the protagonist decides to make all decisions large & small by rolling a die.
But (and I don’t recall if the book discusses this) much then comes down to what 6 options to choose from—a decision made entirely by the protagonist. Eg if you fall out with Fred, do you include ‘punch Fred’ or ‘kill Fred’, or merely ‘criticise/ignore/undermine/forgive Fred’? And what proportion of options should be nasty vs nice?
And perhaps that decision (deciding the options) is more instructive than just making a decision cold.
Cf The Dice Man (a good idea for a mediocre book), in which the protagonist decides to make all decisions large & small by rolling a die.
But (and I don’t recall if the book discusses this) much then comes down to what 6 options to choose from—a decision made entirely by the protagonist. Eg if you fall out with Fred, do you include ‘punch Fred’ or ‘kill Fred’, or merely ‘criticise/ignore/undermine/forgive Fred’? And what proportion of options should be nasty vs nice?
And perhaps that decision (deciding the options) is more instructive than just making a decision cold.