I’ love to get your guy’s feedback. Which of these do you find humorous or think would work? Which ones are meh? I’m sorry if some of these are actually from the game. Sometimes I forget which ones I made up.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Simply walking into Mordor
Accidentally turning on your lightsaber when its still clipped to your pants
Taking the Hobbits to Isengard
Scalding Flatulence
Proposing at McDonalds
Obama’s Birth Certificate
Teenage Mutant Celibate Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Janitors
An Unconquerable desire to date Asians
Accidentally using poison oak as toilet paper
Baby’s first handgun
Newd Gingrich
Gentle Smooches
Mr. Bigglesworth
The brown note
A frank appraisal of my looks
Giving birth in a bathtub
Asking a lady if she’s pregnant when she isn’t
Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows
Nyan Cat
Rebecca Black
Gangnam Style
Tea and Crumpets
Bed Bath and Beyonce
Alien Eggs hatching in my stomach
Ron Paul workout video
Sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads
Pepto Bismol Milk Shake
Men using Emoticons
A swift kick to the butt
Eating a gallon of ice cream after being dumped
Bungee jumping out of a helicopter
Eskimo Kisses
Backne (Back Acne)
A man with six fingers on his right hand
Saying “That dress makes you look fat”
Shuffling everyday
My overactive bladder
Puppies dressed as Kittens
An enormous adam’s apple
A Pikachu-fur Rug
Pikachu’s head mounted on a plaque on your wall
Taxidermied Pikachu
Wolverine knitting a scarf with his claws
Swallowing a spork
Shaving my legs with a rusty razor
Doing the worm on hot coals
Female Body Builders
Internet Trollz
Getting turned down because “they have to wash their hair”.
A Spanish Speaking Dolphin
Cheating at Candyland
A quesadilla that cures ADD
The sound of a mustache’s voice
A Submarine with screen doors
Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans
Beating the final boss
Missing my 5 year old’s tee-ball game
Grenades disguised as Baby Pumpkins
Laughing at jokes you don’t understand
Dealing with sadness by shoe shopping
Tying cat’s tails together and using them as nun-chucks
Frighteningly uneven spray tans
Gag-reflex inducing body odor
Fashionable lumberjacks
Gandalf enjoying a senior citizen discount at IHOP
Harry Potter in the moonlight
Crying crouched and fully clothed in the shower
Ben and Jerry’s Batman flavored Ice Cream
A Toddler-sized shark cage
Mormon disco ball
An oil painting of circus clowns storming the beach at Normandy
Black Cards:
If I were a wrestler, my ring name would be (Player’s first name) _ (Player’s last name)
Where do babies come from?
What do I dream about?
If I could choose my cause of death, it would be due to __
My favorite meal is a piping hot bowl of _, and a cool glass of _.
Luke, I am your _
The most unhealthy item on the McDonald’s menu is the__.
Why won’t anyone go out with me?
What is the next Happy Meal Toy?
My mother never taught me about ___ so that’s why I don’t own ___.
I’d love to watch the battle of __ vs. __.
With my dying breath, I want my final words to be “I see __ coming to take me away to _.”
Yoda’s darkest secret is ___.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
I can’t wait for the new X-Box to come out so I can play that new game called __.
I’ love to get your guy’s feedback. Which of these do you find humorous or think would work? Which ones are meh? I’m sorry if some of these are actually from the game. Sometimes I forget which ones I made up.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Simply walking into Mordor
Accidentally turning on your lightsaber when its still clipped to your pants
Taking the Hobbits to Isengard
Scalding Flatulence
Proposing at McDonalds
Obama’s Birth Certificate
Teenage Mutant Celibate Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Janitors
An Unconquerable desire to date Asians
Accidentally using poison oak as toilet paper
Baby’s first handgun
Newd Gingrich
Gentle Smooches
Mr. Bigglesworth
The brown note
A frank appraisal of my looks
Giving birth in a bathtub
Asking a lady if she’s pregnant when she isn’t
Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows
Nyan Cat
Rebecca Black
Gangnam Style
Tea and Crumpets
Bed Bath and Beyonce
Alien Eggs hatching in my stomach
Ron Paul workout video
Sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads
Pepto Bismol Milk Shake
Men using Emoticons
A swift kick to the butt
Eating a gallon of ice cream after being dumped
Bungee jumping out of a helicopter
Eskimo Kisses
Backne (Back Acne)
A man with six fingers on his right hand
Saying “That dress makes you look fat”
Shuffling everyday
My overactive bladder
Puppies dressed as Kittens
An enormous adam’s apple
A Pikachu-fur Rug
Pikachu’s head mounted on a plaque on your wall
Taxidermied Pikachu
Wolverine knitting a scarf with his claws
Swallowing a spork
Shaving my legs with a rusty razor
Doing the worm on hot coals
Female Body Builders
Internet Trollz
Getting turned down because “they have to wash their hair”.
A Spanish Speaking Dolphin
Cheating at Candyland
A quesadilla that cures ADD
The sound of a mustache’s voice
A Submarine with screen doors
Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans
Beating the final boss
Missing my 5 year old’s tee-ball game
Grenades disguised as Baby Pumpkins
Laughing at jokes you don’t understand
Dealing with sadness by shoe shopping
Tying cat’s tails together and using them as nun-chucks
Frighteningly uneven spray tans
Gag-reflex inducing body odor
Fashionable lumberjacks
Gandalf enjoying a senior citizen discount at IHOP
Harry Potter in the moonlight
Crying crouched and fully clothed in the shower
Ben and Jerry’s Batman flavored Ice Cream
A Toddler-sized shark cage
Mormon disco ball
An oil painting of circus clowns storming the beach at Normandy
Black Cards:
If I were a wrestler, my ring name would be (Player’s first name) _ (Player’s last name)
Where do babies come from?
What do I dream about?
If I could choose my cause of death, it would be due to __
My favorite meal is a piping hot bowl of _, and a cool glass of _.
Luke, I am your _
The most unhealthy item on the McDonald’s menu is the__.
Why won’t anyone go out with me?
What is the next Happy Meal Toy?
My mother never taught me about ___ so that’s why I don’t own ___.
I’d love to watch the battle of __ vs. __.
With my dying breath, I want my final words to be “I see __ coming to take me away to _.”
Yoda’s darkest secret is ___.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
I can’t wait for the new X-Box to come out so I can play that new game called __.
My favorite way to cool off is _.
There’s nothing LW-specific here.