Before the bootcamp, I’d just barely managed to graduate college and didn’t have the greatest prospects for finding a job. (Though to be fair, I was moving to SF and it was a CS degree.)
At the bootcamp, I founded (and then folded) a startup with other bootcampers, which was profoundly educational and cost a couple months of time and <$100.
Now, <1 year after the bootcamp, I’m doing programming and design work on the new SimCity, which is as close to a dream job for me as could reasonably be expected to exist.
I can’t attribute all my recent success to the bootcamp, because I was pretty awesome beforehand, but it really did dramatically improve my effectiveness in a number of domains (my girlfriend is grateful for the fashion tips I picked up, for example). Other specific things I’ve found useful include meditation, value of information calculations, and rejection therapy.
Before the bootcamp, I’d just barely managed to graduate college and didn’t have the greatest prospects for finding a job. (Though to be fair, I was moving to SF and it was a CS degree.)
At the bootcamp, I founded (and then folded) a startup with other bootcampers, which was profoundly educational and cost a couple months of time and <$100.
Now, <1 year after the bootcamp, I’m doing programming and design work on the new SimCity, which is as close to a dream job for me as could reasonably be expected to exist.
I can’t attribute all my recent success to the bootcamp, because I was pretty awesome beforehand, but it really did dramatically improve my effectiveness in a number of domains (my girlfriend is grateful for the fashion tips I picked up, for example). Other specific things I’ve found useful include meditation, value of information calculations, and rejection therapy.