The cooperation has actually been happening; it’s just that it was achieved by ostracizing the guy who asked if you were adhering to the principles expected of that kind.
Note that your original comment has positive and rising karma at this point. I have a high estimation of the minicamps (partially because I’m friends with fiddlemath, who really has appeared to level up since last summer in noticeable ways), but I’m glad that you’re stubborn about making SIAI/CMR show you some good evidence.
Sorry, “Christian retreat” didn’t convey the idea, and in any case I gave a link to a better explanation of the part of conceptspace I was trying to refer to. I’ll take it out since the link should suffice.
Why our kind can’t cooperate.
The cooperation has actually been happening; it’s just that it was achieved by ostracizing the guy who asked if you were adhering to the principles expected of that kind.
Note that your original comment has positive and rising karma at this point. I have a high estimation of the minicamps (partially because I’m friends with fiddlemath, who really has appeared to level up since last summer in noticeable ways), but I’m glad that you’re stubborn about making SIAI/CMR show you some good evidence.
There are ways of making that point without saying it sounds like a “Christian brainwashing retreat.”
Sorry, “Christian retreat” didn’t convey the idea, and in any case I gave a link to a better explanation of the part of conceptspace I was trying to refer to. I’ll take it out since the link should suffice.
Thanks for your gracious apology. :)
If you don’t care whether the cooperation is doing useful work, then sure. Otherwise, criticism seems to be a necessary evil.