As somebody about as far from the Bay Area as a USian can get, and who has been hearing great things from a friend in the area about the CMR workshops… when will there be online workshops and/or camps for the northeast or the east coast in general?
I’m not sure. Maybe a year from now for east cost, and some longer period of time for online (since online exercises need more development before they work well stand-alone)? I probably wouldn’t wait. Lots of people flew in last time from Europe.
Thanks for responding. I’m trying not to underestimate the value offered here, but the degree of non-monetary cost of going varies fairly widely. For those of us who would have to disrupt things fairly severely to go, would getting meetup groups, etc. trained on the curriculum be a means to train more people, sooner, even if removing the intensive camp setting means that the participants take more time overall?
We are working on that. The trouble is that it is easier to design exercises that work in a local setting, with skilled and knowledgable instructors, than to design exercises that can be ported. We are giving some preference in minicamps admissions to folks who run or plan to run meet-ups, and we’re interested in hiring people who will be more able to design exercises and port them to meet-ups; if you have friends in these categories, send them our way.
As somebody about as far from the Bay Area as a USian can get, and who has been hearing great things from a friend in the area about the CMR workshops… when will there be online workshops and/or camps for the northeast or the east coast in general?
I’m not sure. Maybe a year from now for east cost, and some longer period of time for online (since online exercises need more development before they work well stand-alone)? I probably wouldn’t wait. Lots of people flew in last time from Europe.
Thanks for responding. I’m trying not to underestimate the value offered here, but the degree of non-monetary cost of going varies fairly widely. For those of us who would have to disrupt things fairly severely to go, would getting meetup groups, etc. trained on the curriculum be a means to train more people, sooner, even if removing the intensive camp setting means that the participants take more time overall?
We are working on that. The trouble is that it is easier to design exercises that work in a local setting, with skilled and knowledgable instructors, than to design exercises that can be ported. We are giving some preference in minicamps admissions to folks who run or plan to run meet-ups, and we’re interested in hiring people who will be more able to design exercises and port them to meet-ups; if you have friends in these categories, send them our way.