Hello, my name is Kevin. I am a very new Lesswrong joiner. I am by no means as smart as all of you guys, I would say Im your average Joe. I stumbled onto lesswrong while researching the singularity about 7 months ago and i have until this very post simply been reading all te discussions and post. I havent got around to reading all the sequences yet, for reasons im embarresed about. I cant understand half of the stuff I read on this site. So when I do, i devot probably three hours a day at this site because I have to google alot of words, or I will get lost in the conversation. The reason I think lesswrong is awesome is because to me its really fun, I never went to college and I really dont know if i would be welcomed here by the most of you, but I’ll take my chances.
I havent got around to reading all the sequences yet, for reasons im embarresed about.
I would definitely recommend reading the sequences, since they’re pretty well written (maybe they’re consequently more understandable? not sure) and there are a few articles in them that are on the high-tail end of fun.
I never went to college and I really dont know if i would be welcomed here by the most of you, but I’ll take my chances.
There are more people than you’d think here in similar situations.
Hello, my name is Kevin. I am a very new Lesswrong joiner. I am by no means as smart as all of you guys, I would say Im your average Joe. I stumbled onto lesswrong while researching the singularity about 7 months ago and i have until this very post simply been reading all te discussions and post. I havent got around to reading all the sequences yet, for reasons im embarresed about. I cant understand half of the stuff I read on this site. So when I do, i devot probably three hours a day at this site because I have to google alot of words, or I will get lost in the conversation. The reason I think lesswrong is awesome is because to me its really fun, I never went to college and I really dont know if i would be welcomed here by the most of you, but I’ll take my chances.
Welcome, friend!
Double Welcome ^^
Welcome to Less Wrong!
I would definitely recommend reading the sequences, since they’re pretty well written (maybe they’re consequently more understandable? not sure) and there are a few articles in them that are on the high-tail end of fun.
There are more people than you’d think here in similar situations.