I’m all about epistemology. (my blog is at pancrit.org) But in order to engage in or start a conversation, it’s important to take one of the things you place credence in and advocate for it. If you’re wishy-washy, in many circumstances, people won’t actually engage with your hypothesis, so you won’t learn anything about it. Take a stand, even if you’re on slippery ground.
Per my reply to Owen, I think fine to say “X% A, 100-X% not-A” as a way to start a discussion, and even to be fuzzy about the %, but it’s then important to be pretty clear about the structure of A and not-A, and to have some clear “A OR not-A” belief, and beliefs about what it looks like if A is true vs false.
I’m all about epistemology. (my blog is at pancrit.org) But in order to engage in or start a conversation, it’s important to take one of the things you place credence in and advocate for it. If you’re wishy-washy, in many circumstances, people won’t actually engage with your hypothesis, so you won’t learn anything about it. Take a stand, even if you’re on slippery ground.
Per my reply to Owen, I think fine to say “X% A, 100-X% not-A” as a way to start a discussion, and even to be fuzzy about the %, but it’s then important to be pretty clear about the structure of A and not-A, and to have some clear “A OR not-A” belief, and beliefs about what it looks like if A is true vs false.