I’d definitely be interested in that kind of position, please pass my name along. (er, my real one)
As for pay/benefits, I currently make about 2x the median income for the area (with health coverage), which would be hard to replicate for a big city. I’d want about 1.5x to justify the move. (As another datapoint, I make about 50% of the typical home price, but homes are cheap here.) I have a lot of savings I can draw down so I don’t need a steady paycheck—contract/piecework type employment is fine.
I’d definitely be interested in that kind of position, please pass my name along. (er, my real one)
As for pay/benefits, I currently make about 2x the median income for the area (with health coverage), which would be hard to replicate for a big city. I’d want about 1.5x to justify the move. (As another datapoint, I make about 50% of the typical home price, but homes are cheap here.) I have a lot of savings I can draw down so I don’t need a steady paycheck—contract/piecework type employment is fine.