Do you code on your own, not because something external (like homework) requires it, but on your own volition, because it’s a natural thing to do?
Do you get into flow state while coding?
In your context just look up post-graduation employment rates by college major. Engineers and accountants will do well. Women Studies majors, not so much.
Yeah, I already did this. Science has always been far and away my least favorite subject in school, so science and engineering are definitely out. Math and economics seem to be the next best things after computer science, but neither of these, while interesting to a certain extent, exactly seem like buckets of fun.
Changing what you like is basically about discovering new aspects of an activity. Changing what you are good at is straightforward. It’s about learning skills. Changing what people are willing to pay you money for is a lot about going out and meeting the right people.
You also don’t have to limit yourself to things that other people have as established career paths. There less competition if you use your creativity to go to a path that has no one else on it.
Yeah, I already did this. Science has always been far and away my least favorite subject in school, so science and engineering are definitely out. Math and economics seem to be the next best things after computer science, but neither of these, while interesting to a certain extent, exactly seem like buckets of fun.
You need to find something that satisfies three criteria:
You like it
You are good at it
People are willing to pay you money to do it
It’s really up to you to figure out what “it” is.
What if “it” doesn’t exist?
That means you have to change one of the things.
Changing what you like is basically about discovering new aspects of an activity.
Changing what you are good at is straightforward. It’s about learning skills.
Changing what people are willing to pay you money for is a lot about going out and meeting the right people.
You also don’t have to limit yourself to things that other people have as established career paths. There less competition if you use your creativity to go to a path that has no one else on it.
Then you have to put on your big-boy pants, suck it up, and deal with it.
Note that (1) is adjustable by you, within limits. Note that (2) is also adjustable by you, also within limits.