It may not seem fair to respond to something that was meant to be a ‘closing’, but it also shouldn’t be an excuse for making your argument… well, a seperate magisterium. If you had taken the time to read the basics (assuming you ever read this, fully 5 years after claiming to leave, still others may benefit) you would know that Eliezer isn’t claiming that all religious people are characteristically insane. That hypothesis would be easily falsifiable by presenting any responsible, educated person who espouses a religious belief (and there are plenty.) The actual point, right in the article’s title, is that those beliefs, -Even If- they’re shared by really nifty, otherwise good people, are factually falsifiable.
It may not seem fair to respond to something that was meant to be a ‘closing’, but it also shouldn’t be an excuse for making your argument… well, a seperate magisterium. If you had taken the time to read the basics (assuming you ever read this, fully 5 years after claiming to leave, still others may benefit) you would know that Eliezer isn’t claiming that all religious people are characteristically insane. That hypothesis would be easily falsifiable by presenting any responsible, educated person who espouses a religious belief (and there are plenty.) The actual point, right in the article’s title, is that those beliefs, -Even If- they’re shared by really nifty, otherwise good people, are factually falsifiable.