Eliezar, something of a ‘rant’ ? ‘the people who invented the Old Testament stories could make up pretty much anything they liked’.… overlooking that we’re talking about oral traditions committed to writing centuries later. Of course the domain covered by the books of the old testament covers law, social customs, and a whole bunch of stuff which is now the domain of other institutions. Of course ideas have moved on in most of those domains. I’d be more interested in reading your ideas about why the fears, insecurities, and identitiy issues so many of us face in an age of increasing change and complexity are leading to a ‘back to the 17thC’, ‘back to the womb’ type increase in clinging to both ‘believing’ and ‘believing in’ this particular dragon in the garage. This is not just a US phenomenon, we’re seeing it in the UK also. Derision won’t help, nor, most certainly, will logical argument.
Eliezar, something of a ‘rant’ ? ‘the people who invented the Old Testament stories could make up pretty much anything they liked’.… overlooking that we’re talking about oral traditions committed to writing centuries later. Of course the domain covered by the books of the old testament covers law, social customs, and a whole bunch of stuff which is now the domain of other institutions. Of course ideas have moved on in most of those domains. I’d be more interested in reading your ideas about why the fears, insecurities, and identitiy issues so many of us face in an age of increasing change and complexity are leading to a ‘back to the 17thC’, ‘back to the womb’ type increase in clinging to both ‘believing’ and ‘believing in’ this particular dragon in the garage. This is not just a US phenomenon, we’re seeing it in the UK also. Derision won’t help, nor, most certainly, will logical argument.