For technical reasons, we don’t inherit the operating system dark-mode preference. Let us know in the comments if this is important to you and we might prioritize it.
Very important, for three reasons:
Enabling dark mode in one tab doesn’t enable it in other tabs until you reload. With pure CSS prefers-color-scheme, a preference change applies to all tabs instantly.
Operating system dark/light mode can be scheduled by time of day and micromanaging theme settings on many websites two times per day is a chore.
prefers-color-scheme works without logging in and works in feed readers that don’t support JavaScript.
Very important, for three reasons:
Enabling dark mode in one tab doesn’t enable it in other tabs until you reload. With pure CSS prefers-color-scheme, a preference change applies to all tabs instantly.
Operating system dark/light mode can be scheduled by time of day and micromanaging theme settings on many websites two times per day is a chore.
prefers-color-scheme works without logging in and works in feed readers that don’t support JavaScript.