I will certainly keep those considerations in mind. I don’t personally intend any substantial revisions without them being reviewed. I have no explicit interest in promoting any particular agenda, but I am of course aware that my interests and affiliations could lead me to have particular biases or to over- or underemphasize certain issues; that’s another reason why having multiple eyes look at these pages makes more sense than going at it alone. I don’t want these pages to reflect my take on an issue. I just want the pages to be better.
I will certainly keep those considerations in mind. I don’t personally intend any substantial revisions without them being reviewed. I have no explicit interest in promoting any particular agenda, but I am of course aware that my interests and affiliations could lead me to have particular biases or to over- or underemphasize certain issues; that’s another reason why having multiple eyes look at these pages makes more sense than going at it alone. I don’t want these pages to reflect my take on an issue. I just want the pages to be better.