Submission statement: I mostly finished this a year ago, but held off on posting because I was planning on improving it and writing a corresponding “here’s the concepts without the math” post. Might still happen, but now I’m not aiming at a specific timeline.
Things I now want to change:
Soften the confidence in the vNM axioms, since there’s been some good criticisms
Revamp the whole ontological crisis section to be more general
Submission statement: I mostly finished this a year ago, but held off on posting because I was planning on improving it and writing a corresponding “here’s the concepts without the math” post. Might still happen, but now I’m not aiming at a specific timeline.
Things I now want to change:
Soften the confidence in the vNM axioms, since there’s been some good criticisms
Revamp the whole ontological crisis section to be more general
Rewrite from academese to easier
Move proofs to an appendix
Create some manim videos to illustrate
Merge with this post
Many other things
Still, I hope this is kinda useful for some people.
Edit: Also, there’s some issues with the MathJax and dollar signs, I will fix this later.