You make it seem like my point was singular. There were lots of points. I’ll carry on the discussion with Scott over at Distributed Republic blog.
You have an unusual comment policy that I wasn’t aware of. Deleting comments merely on length is quite unusually with 50 megabytes of storage costing about a penny. I’d have had to repost that same long comment somewhere around 500 times before it would cost a cent.
Now that I have read your policy I will try to color inside the lines. So, no problem, email me the contents of the post and I’ll copy it to Distributed Republic. If you’ve lost it, as is likely, no problem either as I’m a prolific writer.
You make it seem like my point was singular. There were lots of points. I’ll carry on the discussion with Scott over at Distributed Republic blog.
You have an unusual comment policy that I wasn’t aware of. Deleting comments merely on length is quite unusually with 50 megabytes of storage costing about a penny. I’d have had to repost that same long comment somewhere around 500 times before it would cost a cent.
Now that I have read your policy I will try to color inside the lines. So, no problem, email me the contents of the post and I’ll copy it to Distributed Republic. If you’ve lost it, as is likely, no problem either as I’m a prolific writer.