I think that it’s possible for people without relevant industry experience or academic qualifications to say correct things about AGI risk,
Of course it’s possible. It’s just not likely.
and I think it’s possible for people with relevant industry experience or academic qualifications to say stupid things about AGI risk.
Of course thats possible. The point is the probabilities, not the possibilities.
there are people with relevant industry experience or academic qualifications who vehemently disagree
And people without
relevant industry experience also disagree.
If the expert disagree, that not evidence that the non experts agree...or know what they are talking about.
For another thing, AGI does not exist today, and therefore it’s far from clear that anyone on earth has “relevant” industry experience
No one does if there is a huge leap from AI to AGI. “No one” would include Yudkowsky. Also,if there is a
huge leap from AI to AGI, then we are not in trouble soon.
Anyway, the quote above seems is giving me the vibe that if someone (e.g. Eliezer Yudkowsky) has neither an AI PhD nor industry experience, then he’s automatically wrong and stupid,
No just probably. But you already believe that, in the general case...you don’t believe that some unqualified and inexperienced person should take over your health, financial or legal affairs. I’m not telling you anything you don’t know already.
I feel like everything you’re saying is attacking the problem of
“How do you read somebody’s CV and decide whether or not to trust them?”
This problem is a hard problem, and I agree that if that’s the problem we face, there’s no good solution, and maybe checking their credentials is one of the least bad of the many bad options.
But that’s not the problem we face! There’s another path! We can decide who to trust by listening to the content of what they’re saying, and trying to figure out if it’s correct. Right??
There’s another path! We can decide who to trust by listening to the content of what they’re saying, and trying to figure out if it’s correct. Right??
Right. Please start doing so.
Please start noticing that much of EYs older work doesn’t even make a clear point. (what actually is his theory of consciousness? What actually is his theory of ethics?) Please start noticing that Yodakowsky’s newer work consists of hints at secret wisdom he can’t divulge. Please start noticing the objections to EYs postings that can be found in the comments to the sequences. Please understand that you can’t judge how correct someone is by ignoring or vilifying their critics—criticism from others, and how they deal with it, is the single most valuable resource in evaluating someone’s epistemological validity Please understand that you can’t understand someone by reading them in isolation. Please read something other than the sequences. Please stop copying ingroup opinions as a substitute for thinking. Please stop hammering the downvote button as a substitute for thinking.
I was arguing against this comment that you wrote above. Neither your comment nor anything in my replies was about Eliezer in particular, except that I brought him up as an example of someone who happens to lack a PhD and industry experience (IIRC).
It sounds like you read some of Eliezer’s writing, and tried to figure out if his claims were right or wrong or incoherent. Great! That’s the right thing to do.
But it makes me rather confused how you could have written that comment above.
Suppose you had originally said “I disagree that Eliezer is smarter than you, because whenever his writing overlaps with my areas of expertise, I find that he’s wrong or incoherent. Therefore you should be cautious in putting blind faith in his claims about AGI.” I would think that that’s a pretty reasonable thing to say. I mean, it happens not to match my own assessment (I mean the first part of the quote; of course I agree about the “blind faith” part of the quote), but it’s a valuable contribution to the conversation, and I certainly wouldn’t have downvoted if you had said that.
But that’s not what you said in your comment above. You said “The relevant subset of people who are smarter than you is the people who have relevant industry experience or academic qualifications.” That seems to be a very general statement about best practices to figure out what’s true and false, and I vehemently disagree with it, if I’m understanding it right. And maybe I don’t understand it right! After all, it seems that you yourself don’t behave that way.
Figuring out whether someone has good epistemology, from first principles, is much harder than looking at obvious data like qualifications and experience. Not many people have the time to do it in a few select cases, and no one had the ability to do it in every case. For practical purposes, you need to go by qualifications and experience most of the time, and you do .
How correlated are qualifications and good epistemology? Some qualifications are correlated enough that it’s reasonable to trust them. As you point out, if a doctor says I have strep throat, I trust that I have strep, and I trust the doctor’s recommendations on how to cure it. Typically, someone with an M.D. knows enough about such matters to tell me honestly and accurately what’s going on. But if a doctor starts trying to push Ivermectin/Moderna*, I know that could easily be the result of politics, rather than sensible medical judgement, and having an M.D. hardly immunizes one against political mind-killing.
I am not objecting, and I doubt anyone who downvoted you was objecting, to the practice of recognizing that some qualifications correlate strongly with certain types of expertise, and trusting accordingly. However, it is an empirical fact that many scientific claims from highly credentialed scientists did not replicate. In some fields, this was a majority of their supposed contributions. It is a simple fact that the world is teeming with credentials that don’t, actually, provide evidence that their bearer knows anything at all. In such cases, looking to a meaningless resume because it’s easier than checking their actual understanding is the Streetlight Fallacy. It is also worth noting that expertise tends to be quite narrow, and a person can be genuinely excellent in one area and clueless in another. My favorite example of this is Dr. Hayflick, discoverer of the Hayflick Limit, attempting to argue that anti-aging is incoherent. Dr. Hayflick is one of the finest biologists in the world, and his discovery was truly brilliant. Yet his arguments against anti-aging were utterly riddled with logical fallacies. Or Dr. Aumann, who is both a world-class game theorist and an Orthodox Jew.
If we trust academic qualifications without considering how anchored a field or institution is to reality, we risk ruling in both charlatans and genuinely capable people outside the area where they are capable. And if we only trust those credentials, we rule out anyone else who has actually learned about the subject.
*not to say that either of these is necessarily bad, just that tribal politics will tempt Red and Blue doctors respectively to push them regardless of whether or not they make sense.
It is also worth noting that expertise tends to be quite narrow, and a person can be genuinely excellent in one area and clueless in another
What are the chances the first AGI created suffers a similar issue, allowing us to defeat it by exploiting that weakness? I predict if we experience one obvious, high-profile, and terrifying near-miss with a potentially x-class AGI, governance of compute becomes trivial after that, and we’ll be safe for a while.
If you had said “If you don’t have the time and skills and motivation to figure out what’s true, then a good rule-of-thumb is to defer to people who have relevant industry experience or academic qualifications,” then I would have happily agreed. But that’s not what you said. Or at least, that’s not how I read your original comment.
Of course it’s possible. It’s just not likely.
Of course thats possible. The point is the probabilities, not the possibilities.
And people without relevant industry experience also disagree.
If the expert disagree, that not evidence that the non experts agree...or know what they are talking about.
No one does if there is a huge leap from AI to AGI. “No one” would include Yudkowsky. Also,if there is a huge leap from AI to AGI, then we are not in trouble soon.
No just probably. But you already believe that, in the general case...you don’t believe that some unqualified and inexperienced person should take over your health, financial or legal affairs. I’m not telling you anything you don’t know already.
I feel like everything you’re saying is attacking the problem of
“How do you read somebody’s CV and decide whether or not to trust them?”
This problem is a hard problem, and I agree that if that’s the problem we face, there’s no good solution, and maybe checking their credentials is one of the least bad of the many bad options.
But that’s not the problem we face! There’s another path! We can decide who to trust by listening to the content of what they’re saying, and trying to figure out if it’s correct. Right??
Right. Please start doing so.
Please start noticing that much of EYs older work doesn’t even make a clear point. (what actually is his theory of consciousness? What actually is his theory of ethics?) Please start noticing that Yodakowsky’s newer work consists of hints at secret wisdom he can’t divulge. Please start noticing the objections to EYs postings that can be found in the comments to the sequences. Please understand that you can’t judge how correct someone is by ignoring or vilifying their critics—criticism from others, and how they deal with it, is the single most valuable resource in evaluating someone’s epistemological validity Please understand that you can’t understand someone by reading them in isolation. Please read something other than the sequences. Please stop copying ingroup opinions as a substitute for thinking. Please stop hammering the downvote button as a substitute for thinking.
I was arguing against this comment that you wrote above. Neither your comment nor anything in my replies was about Eliezer in particular, except that I brought him up as an example of someone who happens to lack a PhD and industry experience (IIRC).
It sounds like you read some of Eliezer’s writing, and tried to figure out if his claims were right or wrong or incoherent. Great! That’s the right thing to do.
But it makes me rather confused how you could have written that comment above.
Suppose you had originally said “I disagree that Eliezer is smarter than you, because whenever his writing overlaps with my areas of expertise, I find that he’s wrong or incoherent. Therefore you should be cautious in putting blind faith in his claims about AGI.” I would think that that’s a pretty reasonable thing to say. I mean, it happens not to match my own assessment (I mean the first part of the quote; of course I agree about the “blind faith” part of the quote), but it’s a valuable contribution to the conversation, and I certainly wouldn’t have downvoted if you had said that.
But that’s not what you said in your comment above. You said “The relevant subset of people who are smarter than you is the people who have relevant industry experience or academic qualifications.” That seems to be a very general statement about best practices to figure out what’s true and false, and I vehemently disagree with it, if I’m understanding it right. And maybe I don’t understand it right! After all, it seems that you yourself don’t behave that way.
Figuring out whether someone has good epistemology, from first principles, is much harder than looking at obvious data like qualifications and experience. Not many people have the time to do it in a few select cases, and no one had the ability to do it in every case. For practical purposes, you need to go by qualifications and experience most of the time, and you do .
How correlated are qualifications and good epistemology? Some qualifications are correlated enough that it’s reasonable to trust them. As you point out, if a doctor says I have strep throat, I trust that I have strep, and I trust the doctor’s recommendations on how to cure it. Typically, someone with an M.D. knows enough about such matters to tell me honestly and accurately what’s going on. But if a doctor starts trying to push Ivermectin/Moderna*, I know that could easily be the result of politics, rather than sensible medical judgement, and having an M.D. hardly immunizes one against political mind-killing.
I am not objecting, and I doubt anyone who downvoted you was objecting, to the practice of recognizing that some qualifications correlate strongly with certain types of expertise, and trusting accordingly. However, it is an empirical fact that many scientific claims from highly credentialed scientists did not replicate. In some fields, this was a majority of their supposed contributions. It is a simple fact that the world is teeming with credentials that don’t, actually, provide evidence that their bearer knows anything at all. In such cases, looking to a meaningless resume because it’s easier than checking their actual understanding is the Streetlight Fallacy. It is also worth noting that expertise tends to be quite narrow, and a person can be genuinely excellent in one area and clueless in another. My favorite example of this is Dr. Hayflick, discoverer of the Hayflick Limit, attempting to argue that anti-aging is incoherent. Dr. Hayflick is one of the finest biologists in the world, and his discovery was truly brilliant. Yet his arguments against anti-aging were utterly riddled with logical fallacies. Or Dr. Aumann, who is both a world-class game theorist and an Orthodox Jew.
If we trust academic qualifications without considering how anchored a field or institution is to reality, we risk ruling in both charlatans and genuinely capable people outside the area where they are capable. And if we only trust those credentials, we rule out anyone else who has actually learned about the subject.
*not to say that either of these is necessarily bad, just that tribal politics will tempt Red and Blue doctors respectively to push them regardless of whether or not they make sense.
What are the chances the first AGI created suffers a similar issue, allowing us to defeat it by exploiting that weakness? I predict if we experience one obvious, high-profile, and terrifying near-miss with a potentially x-class AGI, governance of compute becomes trivial after that, and we’ll be safe for a while.
The first AGI? Very high. The first superintelligence? Not so much.
Sure. But that’s not what you said in that comment that we’re talking about.
If you had said “If you don’t have the time and skills and motivation to figure out what’s true, then a good rule-of-thumb is to defer to people who have relevant industry experience or academic qualifications,” then I would have happily agreed. But that’s not what you said. Or at least, that’s not how I read your original comment.
Then you should probably (no pun intended) have mentioned that. Your original comment had quite a certain vibe.