It’s a nice pic and moment, I very much like this comic and the original scene. It might be exaggerating a trait (here by having the girl be particularly young) for comedic effect but the Hogfather seems right. I think I was around 9 when I got my first sword, around 10 for a sharp knife. I have a scar in my left palm from stabbing myself with that sharp knife as a child while whittling wood for a bow. It hurt for a bit, and I learned to whittle away from me or do so more carefully. I’m pretty sure my life is better for it and (from having this nice story attached to it) I like the scar.
It’s a nice pic and moment, I very much like this comic and the original scene. It might be exaggerating a trait (here by having the girl be particularly young) for comedic effect but the Hogfather seems right.
I think I was around 9 when I got my first sword, around 10 for a sharp knife. I have a scar in my left palm from stabbing myself with that sharp knife as a child while whittling wood for a bow. It hurt for a bit, and I learned to whittle away from me or do so more carefully. I’m pretty sure my life is better for it and (from having this nice story attached to it) I like the scar.